5 Reason why your ex left you

Love is sweet but dating sucks. If you are at least twenty six years old, you probably know what i’m talking about.

5 reasons why your ex leftEvery woman dreams about falling in love and growing old with that special man. Some seem to live their dream but others never seem to.

If this was not the case, why is it that i get so many mails from women complaining about how terrible men are? I even get some about how terrible women are too.

So whats going on here? Who are the terrible lot? The Men or the women?

Have you ever dated someone that you felt was the one and still they left? I have, and trust me it’s not a cool experience.

When stuff happens in my life I tend to ask myself why? I know it may not all have been my fault but surely I must have had a part to play in it all.

If nothing else I was present in the relationship. I chose to put myself in a place and in a space that I most likely had a feeling was bad for me from the start.

So as a woman when things go wrong you need to stop blaming it all on your ex. Sometimes part or a bulk of the fault lies with you.

Do you remember a time when you sat down and went over memories of your ex and cursed him and the day his mother gave birth to him?

Maybe you are doing that now?

If you are, please stop. It’s not worth it.

Life is a continuum, there are lots of other opportunities ahead. What you need to do now is pick yourself up, dust yourself clean and move on to the next opportunity.

So now its time to learn, improve and win. Below are 5 likely reasons why your ex left you.

You choose the wrong guy

Ever heard the saying, “good girls like bad boys?” Like heck some even say “Girls like bad boys period.” Sadly, for many of us good guys, this is often true.

One very likely reason why your ex left was because he was an ass hole and you loved him that way. Now however, your wrong cravings have caught up with you and he’s broken your heart. Sorry about that.

Too many ladies spend their youth dating bad boys and realize later in life that its not worth the effort.

If you fall into that category hopefully you’ve learned your lesson.

If your ex was a bad boy, don’t feel bad about him leaving. Trust me, you are better off without him.

He didn’t love you

Men love you from the moment they set eyes on you or they don’t. I hear its possible for a woman to later fall in love with a man she didn’t love in the beginning. Don’t know if that’s true but it doesn’t work that way with men.

Most men already know the kind of woman they want before they meet her. Off course her wanting him back is another thing but that’s a story for another day.

One of the reasons I ask women not to make the first move unless it is extremely indirect is that men hardly ever say no to any invitation from a woman he has not sexually conquered if he is even mildly attracted to her.

To him its another opportunity for free sex; for sexual conquest.

In order words your ex might have dated you cause you made the first move and he saw an opportunity for casual sex. When the five or ten minutes was over, so was his interest in you.

Read my article is he really in love with you

If you happen to fall into this category learn from your mistake and never make a direct first move to a man unless of course you don’t mind risking  getting unnecessarily hurt again.

You weren’t adding any value to the relationship

As terrible as some men can be some women do not make it easy for a man to be in a relationship with them. A relationship should be symbiotic not parasitic.

Sadly lots of women feel that the only contribution they need to make to a relationship has to do with the bedroom and beneath the bed sheets.

Some other women think its all about cooking meals for their man.

Now don’t get me wrong. I love food. I love good food and I love a woman who can cook good food.

Yet that in itself is not enough investment for a complete human being to bring as their only contribution to a relationship they wish to enjoy.

Some men like to converse with their woman not just get under the sheets. It’s called intellectual stimulation.

Others like you to go out with them and do things with them.

Others like to be mothered and if that’s the kind of man you choose then sorry you have to carry your cross. Heck all men like to be mothered by that special woman in their life.

Only difference is the extent of mothering each man needs varies.

In your next relationship find more ways to be more relevant to your man and chances are he won’t feel used.

YES, you heard me right; Men can also feel used! Sob, i know i’ll get over her some day. sob, sob. I just need a minute.

You smelled bad

A lady is expected to smell good but sadly this is not always the case. Some women are out right filthy in their habits and they smell real bad.

This is a huge turn off and a no no for decent men. If however you are interested in dating the bums and never-do-wells then feel at home with your crowd.

If you know you could have taken better care of yourself hygiene wise but you failed to then make it a point of duty to improve on your hygiene in your next relationship.

He just wasn’t worth it

Sometimes when you play the whole episode over in your mind you find that it really wasn’t your fault that he left. At the end of the day you find that he just wasn’t worth your time and you are better off for him leaving.

Truth is you probably should throw a party and celebrate the return of your sanity.

Either way just understand that life does have the capacity to get better but only when you get better so make sure you are true to yourself.

If he left because you were a bitch then fix it. If on the other hand he left because he was no good then bring out a bottle of champagne, pop the bottle and drink to your health and to better days ahead.

Now what are the other reasons why men leave a relationship? Please let me know in the comments below.

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